Personal Protection Dog Training
A protection dog is the only defensive weapon that can not be used against you. K9 Solutions Center offers the finest in personal protection training. Instructed by police K9 handlers, who know the reality of confrontations, and how a properly trained K9 can intervene. The experiences they encounter every day are applied to how your protection dog is trained. This results is a “street smart” dog who will perform as trained when needed. Each dog will be evaluated before entering into training for personal protection. The evaluation will include a complete test of the dogs character, temperament, nerved, and protective instinct.
A dog which seems protective, but must be caged or put away is not a protection dog, it cant protect from inside a cage. Control is the key factor in protection work.
A dog of stable character can give you protection 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All they will ask for in return is your unconditional love. The protection dog is first and foremost a deterrent in itself. The dogs physical appearance and loud on command barking are enough to deter most stubborn criminals. Your canine companion in a life-threatening situation will give you enough time to phone for help or simply get away from the situation. A personal protection dog gives you the confidence that you aren’t alone, no matter what the circumstance.
Our Personal Protection Dog training program is custom taylored to your needs. We sit down with you and go over your situation, then tailor a dog and or training package based on your needs. The listed levels of training below are just an example. They are not customized.

Personal Protection Dog Training Program
- Each dog must be evaluated for nerves, temperament, courage, and obedience.
- The dog must pass this phase before we will consider training.
- This evaluation is free of charge.
Phase I Protection
- Advanced Obedience Alert on Command (bark and show signs of aggression, on-leash)
- Be Quiet on Command (quiet and return to heel or down position, on-leash)
- Bite and Hold (bite attacker and hold until release is given)

Phase 2 Protection
- Advanced Obedience Alert on Command (bark and show signs of aggression, on-leash)
- Be Quiet on Command (quiet and return to heel or down position, on-leash)
- Bite and Hold (bite attacker and hold until release is given, off-leash)
- Pursue and Apprehend (K-9 will chase, bite and hold attacker, off-leash)
- Defend Handler from vehicle
- Advanced Obedience
Phase 3 Protection
- Defend Handler from vehicle
- Advanced Obedience
- Ability to direct K-9 to alternate attacker
- Escort and re-attack (K-9 will escort suspect to desired location and will bite and hold, if prisoner re-attacks or tries to escape.)
- Alert on Command (bark and show signs of aggression, on-leash)
- Be Quiet on Command (quiet and return to heel or down position, on-leash)
- Bite and Hold (bite attacker and hold until release is given, off-leash)
- Release and Guard on Command (release bite and guard attacker, off-leash)
- Pursue and Apprehend (K-9 will chase, bite and hold attacker, off-leash)
K9 Solutions Center offers a full line of fully trained dogs for sale, and a Puppy Program for clients who want to raise their puppy, then have a fully trained personal protection dog. We guide you through the pre-training and imprint stages. We are on hand and involved through the entire growing process of your puppy, and stay with you until the finish product meets our training standard.
Schedule your free consultation
Why choose us?
- Professional, Certified Trainers
- Convenient Hours
- Convenient Location
- Indoor Training Facility
- Thousands of dogs trained!